Tag Archives: intuition

Quieting The Mind

14 Jan

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been studying meditation. There are so many avenues ranging from different religious practices to the types of meditation (i.e. transcendental, guided, vipassana, walking, etc), but all leading up to one thing, everyone trying to reach the same goal and that’s to be one with the creator.

Everyone is trying to reach this higher level of consciousness, either by praying or meditating, and I don’t blame them! To want to connect with the energy that you were connected with before entering into this earthly realm is truly bliss! It’s like we come to earth and forget everything our souls were connected to before coming here. Enlightenment, our “Buddha” nature, gets scrambled with all these mindless distractions, and we’re (our souls) trying to elevate back to our true selves.

Why is it so important to meditate? Why are so many people trying so hard to connect to something greater than them? What is the big deal about quieting the mind? The answer to those questions can be looked up for general answers, but the answer that you’ll resonate with the most is the one that comes from you. From person to person, the answer is not the same . We go around life sometimes, submerged in what society labels us as, into others’ businesses, not concentrating on what we really need to be focusing on and then get mad at either ourselves or GOD when trying to find the simple answers for certain dilemmas or issues, when the answer lies within us. Being still, giving time to ourselves to be quiet just enough, to receive the answers we’re all looking for, comes when we quiet the mind. This is something that I’m learning right at this very moment. I am no expert on meditation, however I am a student of LIFE and with my spiritual growth, I’m trying to connect to a part of me that will consciously guide me to greater things, following my intuition. Speaking of following my intuition, I feel that the super light being that I am growing to be, wants me to indulge in my intuition more. With quieting the mind, I’ll have more peace, understanding, and spiritual awareness beyond belief, answers to my questions while on my spiritual journey will be more keen, so that I am able to trust myself when making decisions.

On the real, as I’ve been trying to meditate more everyday, I find it hard for me to sit in one place, focusing on my breath and quieting the mind. I find that I have to meditate upon waking up, still lying in bed, but still, as soon as I begin to try to focus, I’m wondering,

“What am I going to wear today?

Did I pay that bill, yet”

Reggae earworms, R&B earworms, Alternative Rock earworms, Future Jazz earworms, Kendrick Lamar earworms,

“It’s Friday, you ain’t got no job, and you got shit to do!” (Quotes from the movie Friday)

“I can’t believe Ocho Cinco head budded that girl!”

“And damn, did KG really tell Carmello that his wife taste like cheerios?”

With all that mind chatter going on, I’m able to squeeze a little bit of inner intelligence that says, “WRITE”.

Everyday for the past couple of weeks, I get up, do my regular lazy morning routine and while quieting the mind, my spirit says,

Write more, you need to write more“.

And I say, “What the heck for? No one is listening”.

So here I am, at 7:52am, after my morning quickie meditation, writing. It’s not that I hate to write, it’s just that I’m lazy! There, I said it! I am admitting that I am lazy! Admitting is the first step, right?

But my spirit says, “How do you expect to reach the people you wanna reach, or do anything that you’re called to do, if you’re lazy?”

As of lately, quieting my mind has lead me to listen more, take the first step out my lazy routine and write. And who cares if no one is listening, spirit is telling me to write, so guess what?

I gotta write.

I gotta meditate more.

I gotta focus on what I need to manifest (You know, Ask, Believe, Receive).

I gotta learn and apply.

I gotta write some more.

And most importantly, I gotta take responsibility for MY spiritual growth.

~Mena Love

The Clicker

20 Sep

So I was recently blessed to get a new car, soooooooo freakin’ happy about that and it was a totally unexpected blessing! With the car came “the clicker” (the car alarm/door opener). Being that my last car didn’t have “the clicker”, I was uber excited and secure that my car would be safe and blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, about two weeks ago, I was headed over to my boyfriend’s house. In a hurry, I was gathering all my belongings, finally out the door, locked my house door and the ring that held my car key and clicker stretched and broke (it got caught on a couple of items I had in my hands).
So, I’m shuffling things in my hands, arms full of stuff all trying to find my car key & “clicker”. I find the key in the grass and pick up the clicker that fell off the curb. With so much stuff still in my hands/arms, I have the key & “clicker” around my pinky finger. I open the car, put everything in the backseat and notice “the clicker” is missing. I’m CRUSHED!!! All I was thinking was ” what if someone finds “the clicker” and breaks into my car!”
I’m looking around the car, in the grass, underneath my car, other folks car, all up in the grass!! I give up, because by this time I’m late.

Everyday that “the clicker” was missing, I looked for it…..around my door, the bushes, underneath ppl’s cars, in the grass!! Intuition kept telling me that “the clicker” was with me! So I’m mentally fussing at intuition like, “with me, where?” Intuition said, “the clicker is in the car”. A couple of years of ago, I would’ve blown up and got frustrated, which would totally not help the situation, I stayed calm and continued to look for “the clicker”, now in the car.

Now, I have a brand new car, it’s clean, so if I can’t see it in plain sight, it ain’t in the car, is what I’m thinking. Everyday, I’m looking in my car, underneath the seats, in the back, everywhere, pulling the seats down, all of that, “I know “the clicker” is with me, but where?”.

A couple of days ago, I was looking for my earrings that I had in the back seat and Intuition said, “you see that flap hanging off the back seat? Pull it!” I pull this brand new feature that I ain’t never seen since purchasing this car and the seat pulled slantly outward……THE FREAKIN’ CLICKER! I grabbed that clicker so fast, put it on a secure ring on my keys and thanked the universe over and over, lol!!! A psychic once told me that I needed to trust my intuition more, so glad I did! 😉